Church of Christ Toowoomba North uses Elvanto for music and serving rosters, swaps and a song database. For members, please download the Elvanto Guide 2021 for assistance in accessing and using Elvanto. If you are having trouble logging in or need a login, please contact the church office.

Accessing Elvanto
Web Browser
1. Visit the church’s Elvanto website:
2. Log in using your email address or user name (firstname.lastname), and your password.
• If you don’t know your password, select the Forgot password? link, and enter your email

Mobile App
An Elvanto mobile app is available which has most of the features of the website.
1. Download and install the Elvanto app from either the Apple App Store or Google Play Store (depending on
your phone/tablet).
2. Enter after opening the app and enter your log in details.

Download Elvanto Guide